1. The elastic band of tissue connecting the foreskin of the penis to the underside of the glans; the fraenulum praeputii penis.
2. The string of a banjo, often plucked or strummed in order to produce twangy music as most regularly associated with the Hillbilly or Billy Connolly.
Not quite so hard, Sarah; you'll snap my banjostring!
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To engage in the taking of illegal substances in the lavatories of public bars, clubs, town halls etc.
Often said in response to nosey friends or well-wishers who don't necessarily know that you do blow on occasion.
Man: Where are you off to, another man?
Another man: One must retire momentarily to gather one's thoughts.
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To the right and up a bit.
Cross the street to Aotea Square and uberdexterwise to the casino.
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This refers to the close resemblance of the tampon with a mouse, especially when it has (at least putatively) crawled up a woman's vagina. See also: jam rag.
Looks like Aunt Flo's come to visit. Best pop down the shops, Mike, and get your mum some cunt mice.
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Used throughout New Zealand and a large part of Australia as an all round term for a (tobacco) cigarette.
Despite my most concerted efforts, I have yet to find an acceptable etymology for this word. I can only surmise that it has been lost in the Mists Of Time.
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The triangular gap between a woman's upper thighs, immediately beneath the vulva.
From the evocative shape of said void and the habit of some who like to slide the eponymous chocolate treat through it.
Woman: Do these jeans make me look fat?
Man: No, but they do accentuate your Toblerone tunnel.
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An effeminate (often homosexual) man.
From the habit of certain women riding a horse not by straddling it, but by riding side-on with legs to one side, in order not to break the bottle neck. Hence, to ride side-saddle, i.e. to be effeminate.
Man: Craig hasn't ever had a girlfriend. I reckon he must be a side-saddler.
Another man: Haven't you heard? He's been riding side-saddle since he was seventeen.
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