1) A person that was either brought up in Italy or was born from parents that came from said country. Usually Italians are depicted as lazy, greasy tanned people that move around on Vespa Scooters in American movies but this trend was inspired by the habits of the first communities of Italian immigrants that established in the states between the last half of the 1800's and the first half of the 19000's, when people who left their home country were usually poor: iln fact, they either come from Southern Italy, where people at that time, usually sported typically Mediterranean traits, or from an agricultural background in Northern Italy, which meant that they used to farm the land under direct sunlight, which caused their skin to get tanned (and that's where the tendency of thinking they are not white most Americans have came from).
Italians are on average very different in culture and habits compared to their Italo-American counterparts that are third-plus generation immigrants and their outer appearance is not always Mediterranean ( because people from Northern Italy, more similar to the rest of Central Europeans in regard of their looks, started having more contacts with Southern Italians after the main highway of the At was built).
Italians are tendentially associated with exquisite cuisine, Mafia, laughable politicians, bad traffic, good looks, fine shoes and fashion, cool cars and marvellous art and extremely hot people.
2) Language spoken in Italy/ by Italian people.
1) "Jeez! I'm impressed by how American and British cities are packed with Italians: that's really impressive man!" "Good for us man! That means there's plenty of hot Italian chicks to hit on!"
2) "Hey, mi sapresti dire dov'è la fermata dell'autobus piú vicuna?"
"Her... Sorry dude, I don't speak Italian".