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Disturbing, unnecessary, often flashy and distractive pieces which some people confuse for decoration on their faces. Sometimes hang from the side of a face further contributing to the disturbing distraction.

What are those dangling and flashing in this pitch dark? Oh, those are just these hoop earrings.

by Tasmanian Devil Taz October 27, 2020

47👍 8👎

tik tok

An app used by cheap crowd to build a community where more cheap people can follow them.

The crowd on tik tok is mostly rural.

by Tasmanian Devil Taz November 5, 2020

556👍 66👎


A grownup guy who throws bitch fits and reacts like a 2 year old when things don't go his way.

Don't be like Donald Trump. It's okay, you lost. Admit it. Move on.

by Tasmanian Devil Taz November 6, 2020

34👍 10👎