Teresa is a form of the female human species (however she hast the biggest penis ever).Though he/she looks hella white, he/she is actually black. I'm not kidding. When encountering such a creature, you will discover he/she:
-wants to have babies with Joe Jonas.
-wants me to watch Sweeney Todd.
-uses the word "noob" when she is actually the noob.
-is a noob.
-is good at Guitar Hero but phails at things such as Super Smash Brother Brawl (which I pwn her with Pikachu).
-is TOO SLOWinsert Sonic lawl face here
-is meh sex buddy.
-is writing a definition on Urban Dictionary as we speak.
-Micheal Phelps is indeed a fish.
-lives with Jack in Halloween Town.
-uses the word babycakes too much.
This applies to ALL Teresa's,except the ones that live outside of a box.
Joe-Hey Teresa, wanna have buttsecks?
Teresa-Hell yeah!opens pants
Joe-Dear LAWD.
have babies in Mexico
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