Rey is the protagonist of Star Wars Episode 7, 8 and 9. She is the definition of a bad written character, the mary sue who never lost in her whole trilogy. Who bested an ex-jedi and a Sith Lord using her powers to benefit from the script.
Rey has been officially renamed as MaRey SueWalker.
2👍 16👎
Rey is the protagonist of Star Wars Episode 7, 8 and 9. She is the definition of a bad written character, the mary sue who never lost in her whole trilogy. Who bested an ex-jedi and a Sith Lord using her powers to benefit from the script.
Let's face it everyone, people tend to say you don't like her because she is a woman and you're sexist, even though deep down their heart they know she is bad character.
Rey has been officially renamed as MaRey SueWalker.
Rey from Star Wars Episode 7, 8 and 9. The definition of a bad written character. If you have any questions about her not being a Mary Sue, please go back to the first 6 episodes and then try to defend her.
Rey is now officially MaRey SueWalker. She is such a Mary Sue.
41👍 22👎