Like a puresy a puresville is an all weed joint
Werd: "puresville?"
Taul: "buya"
1. The pinnacle of partier. A rager occasionally rolls from Friday to Sunday without sleep, but prefers to go longer. Drugs are always involved.
2. People at a show or party who are having more fun than most.
3. A greeting
1. Taul: "That JD is such a rager"
2. Dave: "Fuck look at those ragers in the front row!"
Kiki: "shut it buzzard"
3. Reno: "Ya ragers"
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usually describes phans, but generally works for any jamband freak. more specifically a non wookie non frat boy rager.
Mad Carey: "there were so many mad kids at the particle show"
BTab: "nice"
Someone who is generally annoying the hell out of you. Killing your buzz. talking during the show etc.
Dave: "we gotta get away from these buzzards"
Taul: "shitya"
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joint spliff pelehombre marijuana etc. sounds like quebecois for joint
Werd: "heh paully I'm rollin a puresy"
taul: "a juwaint"
A joint doobie spliff etc. pronounced like the soccer player and the spanish man pele-hombre
Stew: "Heh Frasier you got a pelehombre
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