they wear mini skirts and g-unit clothing because they live in great neck(which is in ny) and they have to in order to fit into where they live but because they heard 3 singles by fall out boy they swear up and down that their punks can you name any other song that isn't a single? NO DIDNT THINK SO...and then they pretend to b ghetto..but they get rejected there as well...and when nothing else works..they become "emo" emphasis on the " ".......just shut ur mouth and b who u are...and if u dont know and u follow a crowd..2 bad 4 u sucker
omg jenny...have u heard that song "dance dance" that song is like sooo effing amazing....if i walk into school singing that near the punks they'll TOTALLY except me
*next day after she attempts this the punks talk together*
who the fuck is she? my god..shes such a poser...
omg jenny being punk didn't let me try being gangster..i'll wear baby phat and g-unit clothing!! they'll TOTALLY except me
*next day after she attempts this the gangstas talk together*
who the fuck is she? shes such a poser..
omg jenny being gangster didnt work either!!!! i guess ill have to be emo now and make up problems so that mayb SOMEBODY WILL LIKE ME.
*she attempts this again(notice a pattern?) and well...*
omg..shes a poser..she doesnt have any real problems she has tons of money..that bitch..
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