A young German boy, who goes to a private school because his parents still have money from selling their Jewish friends to Nazi soldiers. A Prillwitz is someone who is a quiet achiever, friends with people who are not from Germany, and hates Germans. A Prillwitz will Suck Up to a teacher for a higher test score. A virgin until he hits 34 years old.
Omg that Punji and Prillwitz are becoming gay together!!
Damn I hate that nazi Prillwitz.
1👍 4👎
A very angry Indian man who probs does cadets and shit. He also targets any girl who is in a radius of 10000000000000 kilometres, he will then proceed to find their Instagram and follow them. Has a yellow account and gets his dick dirty over phat bitches. Wants a white-girl but he'll have an arranged marriage. Says he doesn't date Indians.
Fuck Angry Simeran good job getting those 10 extra atar points