Source Code


Definitely NOT a cock-sucker. Definitely.

Example 1:
#2- #1, I just ate the rest of your giant birthday cookie.
#1- What a sock-cucker you are, #2.
#2- Did you just call me a cock-sucker, #1?
#1- I most certainly did NOT.

Example 2:
Mom- #1 I got a call from the school saying you skipped Geometry. You're grounded, Mister.
#1- But that class is stupid , Mom! I know shapes!
Mom- 2 weeks.
#1- Aw! Don't be such a sock-cucker!
Mom- #1 .23 Niner! Three weeks, Mister; you just called me a cock-sucker!
#1- NO I didn't, Mom! Gawl!

by Taylor-B- May 30, 2011

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