The worship of Wyattâs Sister. It is customary for all male distance runners to know the extraordinary divinity and taste of our savior. Rituals include: mentioning her in all conversation adding a sexual context and visiting the Holy Church of Wyattâs house. Disciples of her mediate on her beauty during many hours of the night.
Distance Runner: I added Taylorism to Urban Dictionary to spread the good word of or savior
Wyatt: I am being relentlessly bullied
The sexiest woman to ever exist on earth worshiped by all long distance runners. Her disciples know 3 things about her:
1. She is blond
2. She shares Wyattâs parents
3. She is delicious
Wyatt: I had a big test today.
Distance Runner: do you know what else is big?
Wyatt: What
Distance Runner: what I put into Wyattâs Sister
Wyatt: i hate you
A male junior in high school who simps for under class men. Also used to describe the anti-Christ of Taylorism and the enemy of Wyattâs Sister.
Distance Runner: Wyatt stop being a Wyatt tier simp
Wyatt: 39 buried 0 found
A phrase commonly used by distance runners when there is a break in any conversation. On Fridays he likes men though. If Jakob is dating a woman then a distance runner must quietly say âand womenâ after the phrase is uttered. This phrase is also commonly said in Taylorism as a prayer.
A Group of Distance Runners: *silence
Unknown Distance Runner #1: Jakob likes dudes
Unknown Distance Runner #2: What about last night?
Jakob: â¦
Unknown Distance Runner #3: Jakob likes dudes
The messiah RATPAT was born when the great spirit of Latin Coffee Inserted the Holy seed into Wyattâs Sister. His great ministry began in the year of his sophomore cross country season, when he learned the true name of Wyattâs Sister, his Holy virgin Mother. Since he has preached the great word of Taylorism.
XC Runner: my Messiah, RATPAT, I have seen our lord Wyattâs Sister
RATPAT: My child, but how much of her have you seen?
XC Runner: Just her insatiable body my lord
RATPAT: You have much to see my child, you have yet to see the true form and inside of our savior as I, or my prophet Latin Coffee