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Gul Khan

A Political Slur used in the wider Pashtun community as a whole ( ofc mostly the Pashto speaking side but ofc may or may not included linguistically assimilated Pashtuns as well )

Essentially it is an insult used to attack Pashtuns who use Pakistan as their "identity" and basically doing disassociation with Afghanistan Pashtuns

Basically an insult used by Pashtun or Afghan Nationalists by insisting that proud Pakistani Pashtuns are brainwashed or misguided and in need of a history lesson

Again the closest equivalent would be the term Torie used by English speaking settlers in North America on whether pledging Allegience to the British Empire

Ofcourse you can see complex political divisons like this anywhere else such as North Korea vs South Korea, Taiwan vs China, North Macedonians and Bulgarians .

Or such parallels even exist on religious sectarian lines like controversies of Sunni Muslims with Twelver Shias, Ahmadiyya Muslims, or even Brelvis vs Deonandis among Sunnis which ofc are already ongoing existing controversies in Pakistan and Afghanistan

Again this itself is a really complicated situation...

The counter part or opposite would be Gul Marjan

Or Afghandu or Namak Haram with connotations that these Pashtun Nationalists but this isn't true because there exist staunch Pashtun Nationalists are Anti Indian as much as Anti Pakistani

Gul Khan , basically Tories of Pakistan

by Teachology November 13, 2022

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One of the Freemasonic Caste who had a "Huge" influence in the history of Pathans/Pashtuns and forming of that fake Durrand Line , especially the ones that settled in UttarPradesh and their subsequent assimilation and total loss of Pashtun culture , And how they have unknown links with Kalash and Nuristanis .

Ofc Ormuris/Burkis were also Freemasons ( the Roshaniyya ) that undermined Pashtuns , along with Qizilbash settlers ( Shia Muslim Agents from Safavid Era Iran ) , Tanoli Barlas Turks ( who betrayed Durranis and helped Sikhs ) but Gurjars are a more recent group to pay attention to and also behind pioneering heretical Islamic groups like Brelvis and Ahmadiyyah and the bloodthirsty Deobandi,Salafi Wahabi groups like Taliban and Hezb E Islami

Ironically Gujjars are originally Hindi speaking not Punjabi, but transitioned to Punjabi post Afghan-Sikh wars but with Urdu being Pakistans national language they are slowly picking back partly their old Rajasthan language

These Gujjars are the opposite of Gypsies or Romanis as Gadjo means non Romani in Gypsie

And these Gujjars who had an influence on Pathans and Pashtuns almost no longer exist and are now extinct .

Ofc the rest of the Gujjars are an ubiquitous Hindu origin clan in India and Pakistan

Gujjar Freemasons

by Teachology December 26, 2022


A "forgotten" dialect of Rajasthani or Uttarpradeshi that has had a long presence in Punjab Pakistan , Jammu region of Kashmir, and even Khyber Pakhtunkhwa & Afghanistan since maybe 151 years ago

Contrary to popular belief Gojri is closer to the Khari Boli dialect of Hindi-Urdu than it is to Punjabi . So it would've sounded like colloquial Hindi-Urdu

However Gujjar nomad colonists switched to the Lahnda dialects ( Hindkowan, Pahari, Dogri, Saraiki, Punjabi ) , and likely due to the wake when the British Empire defeated Afghan Durranis and Sikhs hence difficulty for linguists plus some adopting Pashto when settling with Pashtuns.

These Gujjars Maybe "possibly" had an influence on the Pashtuns of Rohillkhand

Marwaris are another related community

Altaf Hussein , the leader of the MQM could recruit the forgotten Gojri speaking Rajasthani colonists of Punjab/KPK

by Teachology November 6, 2022


Essentially Ignorance

Ofcourse Nazis is pronounced Natsi which is Not See

The core Nazis fascists have one purpose. To Basically obscure and omit facts and put the masses under a false perception and false reality as a means of control and Hypocrisy ( cover up )

Basically Fascist Cover Up folks or Occultist Magicians who made your entire life a magic trick

Even Hitler was a victim and was unaware that Goebells was actually detraying Hitler with half truths and disinformation

Because Goebells was the head of propaganda and they actually lied and have the purpose to betray actual German Nationalists ( Natalists)

Nazis are the source of almost all , if not all "Disinformation". They are unseen that's why they are called NotSee .

by Teachology October 2, 2022

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The Balkans equivalent of Mormons or Latter Day Saints

Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Sheep Macedonians ofc not all of them. The ones who were indifferent were the truer champions

by Teachology December 30, 2022


An Ethnic Group soon to go extinct like the dinosaurs ...

Because Idiot Gul Khans are Brainwashed by the Pakistani media and Hardcore Saudi Funded Islamic Salafists and fail to do their independent research to breakout of their brainwashing.

But Miss Gujjar, Gul Khans ex Girlfriend will summon holy the White magic with lots of Milk !

Gul Khans will summon Meteor to wipe out his people, the Pashtuns

by Teachology December 25, 2022

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