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white cap

The term 'white cap' is used to describe a member of a group of try-hard teenagers who dress similarly; particularly by wearing a white baseball cap. The cap can be any brand as long as it is white all over and is worn with two special adjustments: having the hat sitting as far back on your head so that your fringe is visible and sticking out at the front and leaving the hat adjustment tag dangling down your neck. Most white caps also wear XXXXL nylon track pants (usually Kappa brand) and XXXXXL shirts (preferably polo). Lastly, white caps usually wear Nike sneakers (or similar), presumably because they need to run from the police so often after tagging public property. According to white cap mentality, tagging a wall is a form of art and makes them ghetto. Apart from their similar dress sense white caps or 'lads' (as they refer to themselves as) are troublesome individuals who are even worse when combined in a group. Their saturday nights usually invovle going to parties they are not invited to and gate crashing. After being kicked out by bouncers and causing a huge commotion (often resulting in brawls), lads then roam the streets looking for people that are smaller than them or alone to beat up or roll. However, most 'white caps' are scrawny and weak, with little to no muscle tone, so often this hunt for smaller people can take a while.

Average Person: "What did you do last night?"
White Cap: "Oh man we tried to gate crash this party then this 'seca' stood on my mates brand new Nike's so we dropped him!"
Average Person: "Hold up, whats a 'seca'?"
White Cap: "Security guard bro"
Average Person: "Why don't you just call them security guards?"
White Cap: "Yeah ok, you go ahead and waste your life calling them that. Want a durry?"

When Ronny hadn't seen Ben for two months, and then saw him hanging in a seedy back alley smoking, with his new Kappa pants dragging on the ground, and an XXXXXL polo shirt which looked like a skirt, and a hat which was worn at such a precarious angle it made him look like he was wearing one of those jewish skull-cap thingys, he knew Ben had become a white cap.

by Team Rietro September 27, 2005

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