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the makers of the finest and most expensive paperweights in the world.

1:"Dude, I just got a Apple iMac!"
1:"The airflow through my room makes all my papers fly around...now it won't!"

by TehTruth1 October 6, 2006

524👍 214👎


One of the worst OS's in the market. The OS Has limited capabilities, and limited 3rd party software compared to it's advesaries.

It's fairly obvious that they are suffering, why else would they now allow Windows to be installed on a Mac? Because Windows is more functional than OS X and people know that.

Finally, the makers of OS X, Apple, is an attempt at a monopoly over you once you buy their product. Mac this, iPoo that, with other OS's, you can get choose from a multitude of 3rd party addons or software that OS X can't compare to.

Most people complain about Other OS's problems, however these are usually because of carelessness and things THEY downloaded. When OS X crashes, it crashes.

Person A: "My Windows PC keeps crashing, why?"
Person B: "Because you got a virus. It' called W32.whatever."

Person A: "My Mac keeps crashing, why?"
Person B: "Because you got a virus. It's called OS X"

by TehTruth1 October 3, 2006

170👍 306👎