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A somewhat vulgar slang term for one of those wall-mounted porcelain urinals; the fixture found in men's rooms put there for the sole purpose of collecting and then disposing of micturition (urine).

Hey Josh, wait a sec!
I need to go and use the pisser before we go to the next club!

by Telephony July 8, 2013

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The singular form of the word feces; that is to say, a single stool floating in the shitbowl or lying on the ground, waiting to be stepped in and subsequently tracked inside the house.

{Hoolio}: Hey look out Hozay, there's a fece that you're about to step in!!!
{Hozay}: Thanks Hoolio! I'm glad that you told me about that so I didn't step on it and track it all over the rug inside!

{Horhay}: Hey George, did you forget to flush? There's a fece half covered in bungwipe floating in the water and you're the last one to use the bathroom!

by Telephony August 9, 2013

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fudge bunny

A fece, usually a single cat poop in a plastic cat toliet.

When a kitty cat drops a stool (pinches a loaf, makes a doo-doo, takes a dump, takes a shit, etc.), one or more fudge bunnies can be found in the litterbox.

{Courtesy of B.B.}: "My cat had a domed litter box but he always managed to step on a fudge bunny and track it all over the house, so I got him a domeless box."

by Telephony August 2, 2012

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What you might call some butt wagon who deluges your email inbox with unwelcome spam email messages.

That fucking spambag keeps sending this shit about how I can make my penus rock hard and how I can buy houses for 49’! Grrrr!!! $*@#%

by Telephony October 11, 2021


A portmanteau of the words, "urine" and, "silencing".

The act of, when passing micturition (urine), pissing onto the inside of the toilet bowl above the waterline or against the back wall of a wall urinal so that the, "urine splashing into water" sounds are totally absent.

{Husoos}: Hey Horhay, where's Edgar? He went into that restroom a few minutes ago, but I don't hear any pissing sounds.
{Horhay}: Edgar is urincing -- that way nobody will hear him peeing.

by Telephony August 20, 2013

paper toliets

What some children call toliet paper (bungwipe, buttwipe, TP, etc.)

Mommy, the paper toliets are out again!

by Telephony January 6, 2014


Queer Fucking Cock -- not to be confused with QFC -- the grocery store.
QFC is most often found on a male prostitute who's a F46607.

{LaToya} Larry, we're having BLTs tonight, so I'll go to QFC and pick up some wilted lettuce, rotten tomatoes, stale bread, and green bacon. And don't be surprised if I'm gone a bit longer than expected; I may go get some QFC after I go to QFC.

by Telephony January 17, 2015

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