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A woodpecker (sp. Picidae) that, from some angles, its head looks like a pecker (dick, cock, willie, johnson, penus, penis, etc. is known as a woodpeckerhead.

Look at the head of that woodpecker over there! It's a woodpeckerhead!!!

by Telephony April 6, 2015

4👍 1👎


A woodpecker (sp. Picidae) that, from some angles, its head looks like a pecker (dick, cock, willie, johnson, penus, penis, etc. is known as a woodpeckerhead.

Look at the head of that woodpecker over there! It's a woodpeckerhead!!!

by Telephony April 6, 2015

3👍 1👎

Kat McSnatch

A now-famous YouTuber who started off with her video (that soon went viral!) of a song she wrote called, "You Are a Cunt".

Kat McSnatch wrote & performed songs like, "You Are a Cunt", "I Don't Like You", and, "Don't Worry, Be Ugly".

by Telephony August 22, 2014

368👍 7👎


What a Kentucky Fried Chicken employee often calls the Winston Collectramatic; the small pressurised deep fat fryer used for Original Recipe chicken.

Todd, it's your turn to clean the Collecto this time.

by Telephony January 24, 2011

28👍 1👎

Twenty Twisted-Stick-Straight-Stick

The year 2021 as viewed from above.
From this vantage point, it looks like a 20, a twisted stick (2) and a straight stick (1).

{From a drone video on YouTube:
Flight took place (launched anyway) in the airspace over the 3600-block of N. Maple Ave. in Fresno CA. USA at 6:11pm PDT on 10-19-21 (or, "2021-10-19T18:11" or "2021 19 Oct." or even, "October 19, Twenty Twisted-Stick-Straight-Stick" if you prefer).

by Telephony October 20, 2020


A true buttsnoipe who leads a number of surrounding individuals into total asshaberdashery.

{At a large house party}

Mike: See that asshaberdasher over there?
Linda: Yeah, he's goading the crowd into total and complete asshattery! What a fucking buttsnoipe!!!

by Telephony November 27, 2011

50👍 4👎

A Spoonful of Medicine Helps the Sugar Go Down

A parody of the song, "A Spoonful of Sugar" from a Mary Poppins movie.

♪ Just a... ♪
♪ Spoonful of medicine helps the sugar go down ♪
♪ The sugar go down-wown ♪
♪ The sugar go down ♪
♪ Just a spoonful of medicine helps the sugar go down ♪
♪ In a most delightful way ♪

by Telephony June 23, 2015

3👍 1👎