What some citizens of Juneau AK. USA call public buses aka. public transit.
{Peter}: Don't light that siggeret, because I can see the fry brain train coming!
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A version of the phrase, "fucking yucky" that may bypass the onboard censors found on many internet fora.
{From an online group with the topic of being a grocery store employee}
{Marvin Batech}: When some smelly, fat woman that smells like she hates showers reaches three feet into her boob and armpit crevices to fish out $5 and then they make a face when I grab that shit with my sleeve.
{Craig Johnson}: O MAN THAT'S YUCKING FUCKY!!!
Hey Steve, can you pass me the inkling please?
I need to get this address written down before I fuck up and forget it!
21π 11π
What most people in the UK would call a cat.
{Harold}: Come here David! I want you to stroke my pussy.
{David}: Uh...um...no thank you Harold; only females would have pus...O THAT KIND OF PUSSY!!!
The hell! Why didn't you just say cat?!?
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What many people erroneously call a concrete truck.
"Concrete" is the rocks & gravel with Portland cement as the binding agent; the "cement" itself is made seperately and is composed primarily from limestone, shale, iron ore, clay, and fly ash.
So there's really no such thing as a cement truck, but there are plenty of concrete trucks.
Hey George! Look at that cement truck across the street! The guy fucked up and is pouring wet cement all over the neighbour's lawn!
25π 4π
Somebody who intentionally shits in the cistern (toliet tank).
You don't want to invite Tom to the kegger, because he is a habitual toliet tank defecator!
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The day when you walk down the street and see things such as sticks from bottle rockets, and remnants of Roman candles scattered in lawns and in gutters, and the occasional "banana peeled" mailbox that got that way because some asshaberdasher shoved a lighted M80 or M500 illegal firecracker into it the night before.
Hey Jimbo, check out that demolished mailbox!
Must be the 5th of July or something!
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