How the name, "Kleenex" (a major brand of nasal tissue) is sometimes spelled, because when you hear somebody say Kleenex it often comes out sounding like, "Cleanax".
{Drake}: Hey Josh, can you pass me a Cleanax?
{Josh}: Fuck you Drake, go get your own goddamn Cleanax!!!
What some people call, "dick medication" -- that is, drugs like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, etc. designed to give men with perpetually limp dicks the ability to get a boner.
{Stan}: Hey George, don't forget to take some dick medication to work with you. Chug one of those bitches down when you leave
so that you can cornhole me when you get home.
{George}: Alright, got 'em in my pocket. Love ya Stan!
The sound of bells being rung, only this time done completely by synthesis -- be it computer hardware or software synthesis. No actual bells are being harmed.
The demo called, äMPäri3" by the Commodore Amiga computer demo group Dekadence has synthetic bells in its zax -- how kewl!!!
How some people accidentally mispronounce the phrase, "paper towels".
Jim, can you hand me a wad of taper powels please? I need to clean up some spilled Kool-Aid.
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Many people call a or a bath a bathroom even though it only contains a toliet and a lavatory -- but there's no shower or bathtub, hence you cannot bathe in it so why do they call it a BATHroom?!?
Lindsey, hold on a moment before we go; I need to use the tolietroom first!!
A phrase that simply means "butt" or "ass".
One lousy screw fell off and you have to do all of ***THAT***?!? Man, what a pain in the toilet muscle!!!
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It means the same as the phrases, "you bet your ass" and, "you bet your dick and balls".
That is, you're absolutely, positively, 100% certain about the final outcome of a situation.
{Seen on a website about flashlights, LEDs, and lasers}:
I tried to cut through the outer casing to bare metal with the blade of a Swiss army knife, and with some minor difficulty, I was able to do so. This shows the unit has a Type II anodized finish to it (...)
Would I really cut up a brand spanken new $450.00 laser? You bet your sweet patootie I would, if it's in the name of science.
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