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baby poop brown

Some cars & trucks have this hideous brown paint job which has the color of baby shit; hence the phrase, "baby poop brown". This paint job is so old that it is often somewhat faded and has a matte finish (vs. a glossy finish as is usual for automotive paint jobs).

A 1970 Ford Maverick that I had in 1986 sported this type of paint -- faded, matte finish, and colored baby poop brown.

{From a website featuring fictious "death battles" between TV commercial spokespeople, spokesanimals, and spokesthings}:

This fight shall take place outdoors on the breakdown lane in the southbound lanes of the I-5 freeway. Available to the embattled contestants are a 1976 Volkswagen Bug with a flat tire (or, "tyre" if you prefer) sporting a "baby poop brown" paint job and with the keys still in the ignition, a tire iron, a spare tire in the trunk (which is in the front, rather than in the back as is usual), several beer cans (one of them is full) in the roadside ditch, a half-used pack of matches, and the usual assortment of plants & weeds (including the poisonous foxglove) that you might find in a temperate north-American climate.

by Telephony September 27, 2013

disposable plastic baby toliets

To put it as briefly as I can: disposable diapers

They can be called disposable plastic baby toliets because they're made of plastic, you throw them into the garbage can (or diaper pale) when they're full, and they have but one purpose: a baby pisses & shits into them, thus making them disposable plastic toliets for babies.

{Horhay}: Hey Linda, I can't find the diapers and the baby needs to be changed!
{Linda}: Don't worry Horhay, the disposable plastic baby toliets are in the cabinet above the shitbowl.

by Telephony June 13, 2013


An inconsiderate smoker.
The ashhole will flip lighted cigarette stubs out of his automobile window, crush out his used siggerets on the sidewalk instead of extinguishing them in a sand urn or putting them back in the pack, continue to smoke around a nonsmoker who asks him politely to move (the ashhole just sits there like a lump of coal), drop cigarette stubs into a beer can at a party without telling anybody which can, etc.

Josh, move the hell away from that lady! She's politely asked you twice to move, and you just sit there puffing away. Jeez you're such an ashhole!

by Telephony June 24, 2018

Twenty Stick-Seriously-Fracked-Up-Stick

This is simply the year 2019.
When viewed from above, it does look like twenty stick-seriously-fracked-up-stick.

(From a video description of a drone's aerial video on YouTube)

Flight took place in the airspace over Nowell Ave. in Juneau AK. USA at 1:46pm PST on 02-21-19 (or, "2019 21 Feb." or even, "February 21, Twenty Stick-Seriously-Fracked-Up-Stick" if you prefer).

Weather conditions at flight time were mostly sunny, temperature was 18°F (-7.8°C), and winds measured with my "rotten garter snake poddy* yellow" portable "windometer" (as JD from JD Quad in the UK calls them even though those things are actually called, "anemometers") ;-) were from the NNW at 2.40ph (3.86kph) at the surface and aloft.

by Telephony February 10, 2019


How some younger children might pronounce the word urinal because they can't yet say the, "yer" sound.

{1st grader Daniel}: Teacher, I have to go urnate in the urnal!
I need to go RIGHT NOW before I pee my pants!!!

by Telephony June 20, 2014

14👍 1👎


An unfortunate (but shockingly common) misspelling of the word sweet.

{seen on a sign above the loo in a public restroom

If You Dribble
While You Piddle
Please Be Sweat
And Wipe the Seat.

by Telephony October 4, 2019

6👍 1👎


Sweat is the urine of the skin.

{Mother}: Why don't you just walk across the campus, sweetheart?
{Sheldon}: If I do that, I'll sweat. And sweat is the urine of the skin -- I might as well just have a golden shower!

by Telephony November 2, 2021