caddywompus is a surprisingly common misspelling of the word, "cattywampus"; generally defined as an arrangement of objects not lined up or not arranged correctly, or diagonally or "(in this case) an aircraft such as a drone flying chaotically . An example of something cattywampus are the positions of the items on the top of a coffee table after a two year old has been playing with them and moving them around.
That drone flew all caddywompus; it did huge toliet bowls and acted like it had a mind of its own.
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{Steve}: Nocks on bathroom door.
{Scott}: Hold on a moment! I'm making body brownies!
What the Superbowl is to some viewers who don't care at all for the football part; but only watch it for the new commercials.
Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah, the Commercialbowl is on today!!! I don't watch it for the foot-testicle {football}, I watch it for the new commercials!!!
How some people pronounce the phrase, "cell phone"; esp. when they're in a hurry.
{Angel}: Hey Rod, your cephone's ringing really annoyingly! Can you answer that fucking thing you asshat?
{Rod}: Just a sec Angel!
{Rod answers phone, hears the handset being slammed into the cradle at the other end}
{Rod}: Must have been a wrong number Angel; the butt dumpling on the other end just hung up when I answered. Let's get out of here! I need a McRootBeer and some McOnionRings!
One who initiates the act of fellatio; a fucking cocksucker (the kind that engages in oral sex, not an asshole, a buttknocker, a bungsnoipe, an asshaberdasher, etc.).
This term is usually used to describe faggots, but it can also be used to describe a very despicable person.
1: John wants to be a penus vacuum -- what a fucking F46607!!!
2: Osama bin Laden was such a penus vacuum; I'm so glad that the Navy Seals hosed him down!!!
Another name for a rectal thermometer.
Hey Jerry, don't put that fucking thing in your mouth cos it's an asshole thermometer!
In a multiple-cat household a food crook is the cat that goes from bowl-to-bowl eating all of the other cats' food.
Pookie, stop that you food crook!!!
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