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I don't give a dirty handkerchief

Means the same as, "I don't give a flying fuck", "I don't give a Funyun", "I don't give a rat's patootie", etc.
This is a clean way of saying it -- though that hankie really needs to go in the wash. :-)

WarGrowlmon: What? Beelzemon?

Taomon: What are you doing here?

Rapidmon: Looking to hit us while we’re down, huh? That’s your style right?

Beelzemon: Hey, trash me if you want but I swear I’m here to help.

Rapidmon: Do you even know the meaning of the word?

Beelzemon: I’m on the level fellas, really.

WarGrowlmon growls at him.

Beelzemon: But I don't give a dirty handkerchief if you believe me or not, cause my partners believe in me.

Flashback to Mako giving Impmon his gun.

Mako: You can blast all the bad guys with it.

by Telephony December 24, 2014

titty tisses

This phrase means the same as, "kitty kisses" in where a pet cat repeatedly licks your arm, hand, or face.

{Craig}: Hey Angie, check out this video I uploaded to YouTube that shows Nikki lavishing me with titty tisses!
{Angie}: Aww isn't that cute!?!

by Telephony October 3, 2014

14👍 1👎


A carefully crafted acronym from the SpongeBob SquarePants episode, "Krusty Krab Training Video:


{Narrator}: Looks like Mr. SquarePants understands POOP. {scene cuts to a customer walking up to Squidward} Here's a typical customer. I wonder what he wants. Well, if we just remember POOP, we can figure it out.

{Harold}: I'd like to order- (screen freezes to a quiz)
{Narrator}: Do you think he wants to order:

A: A sofa,
B: An expensive haircut, or
C: A patty?

{Harold}: One patty please.

{Narrator}: Ah, POOP! You never let us down!

by Telephony April 14, 2014

23👍 6👎


An unfortunate, but all too common misspelling of the word, "cremated" -- which is where they incinerate your dead body and convert it into a few pounds of ashes rather than burying your body in a cemetery.

Al was creamated when he became worm food; I guess you could say he became fish food instead.

by Telephony September 16, 2020

5👍 1👎


A very common misspelling of the word, “vacuum"; used most frequently to describe an electrically-powered cleaning device or the vacuum of space. Appears entirely in writing, because it is pronounced the same as the word, “vacuum".

{Craig}: Dave, can you vaccume the hall dear? (yes, Craig & David are F46607s)

{David}: Awww man, isn't it your turn to vaccume? (takes a pair of dikes {the wirecutters, not the other kind!} and snips off the cord)...ummm Craig, this vaccume cleaner's busted!!

by Telephony September 3, 2013


A very common misspelling of the word, "ampersand" -- the 'and' symbol -- yeah this thing: ---> &

{Craig}: Hey -=ShoEboX=-, when did you name your cat Amperstand?
{-=ShoEboX=-}: It's Ampersand dammit! AMPERSAND!!!

by Telephony March 10, 2015

14👍 1👎