A ragey egg that loves to play fortnite, spend money from his mums credit card, hand out with gingers and call people "gay"
Scott give me that spoon you egg
Gets friction burn from walking barefoot, smells like a tennis ball, looks like a cup of herbal tea, greats people by "top of the morning" owns a sperm bank and his son will undoubtedly be black.
Look at Scott's son he's back but him and his wife our white.
Arsenal fan, although has a picture on his wall of Steven Gerrard eating a pot noodle. Watches antiques roadshow with his mum. Eats crumpets in 3 bites.
Thinks a circle has 8 sides, and once ate a pot of vasaline because apparently "My insides felt squishy"
Omg did Scott just eat vasaline
Don't worry his insides are squishy
A very skilful football player and basketball play. He's the guy micheal jordan won't 1v1. He also smells purple. Sounds like the chef that give you food poisoning.
Omg I think dillon smells yellow
Shut up nerd it's totally purple.
The perfect name for a gold fish you don't love.
Hey Marcus, I don't love you
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