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you don't know the meaning of the word

The statement is said to express ire and/or contempt. When someone says it, they are saying that the person who used the aforementioned adjective should not be using it, as they don't truly know what it means to feel it. I.E. you had your face melted off, and you broke the arm of someone who pissed you off. You would say "Painful? You don't know the meaning of the word."

Offender: My family are all idiots. I mean, I'm never stop having to suffer their genocide.
You: Suffering? you don't know the meaning of the word.

by Tevel February 19, 2014

10👍 13👎

toying with

1. To treat (someone) without due seriousness, especially in a superficially amorous way.
2. Consider (an idea, movement, proposal, etc) casually or indecisively.

3. Move or handle an object absentmindedly or eat something in an unenthusiastic or restrained way.

1. You: Are you even trying?
Me: Not really.
You: Then stop toying with me. It's just cruel.
2. J.K. Rowling toyed with the idea of writing a book.
3. She was toying with her food.

by Tevel July 23, 2014

21👍 5👎