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San Antone

Country slang for San Antonio, TX.

Person A (from small rural town) : You headed down to San Antone?
Person B (from large city) : San Antonio? Yes, I'm leaving tomorrow.

by Texas Expert January 14, 2009

145๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Dallitude" (somewhat less frequently spelled รขย€ยœDallatude") is a รขย€ยœDallas attitude.รขย€ย It has been described as the display of snobbery and/or elitism of a resident from Dallas, TX.

It's believed the term รขย€ยœDallitudeรขย€ย was first found on a gay newsgroup posting from 1999; the term possibly originated in Dallas' gay community.

Today, Dallitude is more likely to refer to anyone from the city of Dallas displaying a "superior" attitude.

Example A: Down-talking the way others are dressed in a Dallas nightclub. "Can you believe her shoes?" This is display of Dallitude.

Example B: Driving a leased BMW on a $30k/year salary. This could be considered display of Dallitude.

Example C: A Dallas resident trash-talking other Texas cities while failing to acknowledge Dallas has just as many or more problems. Such as saying "Houston is polluted and crime-ridden!" In reality, Dallas ranks just a few places behind Houston on air pollution, and ranks higher than Houston on crime. This is Dallitude.

by Texas Expert December 24, 2008

179๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž



The display of an attitude by Austinites (residents of Austin, TX) that their city is nearly perfect and without problems. Unlike Dallitude (which is associated with the display of wealth), Austintude (or Austitude) is associated with the belief the city of Austin and people in it are unique, smarter, and more advanced than the rest of Texas and southern USA. This flawed kind of thinking is usually associated with down-talking other cities and ignoring the fact that other cities may excel in areas Austin does not.

Unfortunately, the media plays a part in this by perpetuating certain myths and stereotypes (positive ones for Austin, and negative ones for other Texas cities.)

Example quotes from an Austinite showing Austintude / Austitude:

No, we have no traffic, no problems, absolutely no crime anywhere, and no air pollution from the cars that just sit in traffic. This is the Oasis of the Western Hemisphere. The other Texas cities have terrible summer heat, sprawl and strip malls, but somehow we just do not because we are magically exempt!

You're moving away from Austin? To where? Ewww!

You moved here from where? Ewww! Don't you feel like you should get down and kiss the ground that is Austin, you will be so enlightened now!

by Texas Expert June 21, 2010

229๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


The display of an attitude by Austinites (residents of Austin, TX) that their city is nearly perfect and without problems. Unlike Dallitude (which is associated with the display of wealth), Austitude is associated with the belief the city of Austin and people in it are unique, smarter, and more advanced than the rest of Texas and southern USA. This flawed kind of thinking is usually associated with down-talking other cities and ignoring the fact that other cities may excel in areas Austin does not.

Example A: Justifying living in Austin by saying that Houston has too much traffic and is too hot, while failing to admit Austin has the exact same problems. This is display of Austitude.

Example B: Trash-talking about Houston (i.e. it is all concrete, has no culture and no positive attributes). This is display of Austitude. In reality Houston has forests of tall pine trees Austin does not, world-class arts/culture Austin does not, and a great restaurant scene Austin does not. (Dallas also has superior culture to Austin).

Example C: Saying Austin is so unique and has many things other Texas cities do not. In reality, Austin has many things borrowed from other cities such as chain restaurants, architecture, even the Art Car Parade (which has been going on in Houston for much longer). This is display of Austitude.

by Texas Expert December 24, 2008

251๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

Richmond, TX

Richmond, Fort Bend County, Texas. A suburb city about 25 miles southwest of downtown Houston. One of the fastest growing and most diverse counties in the nation. Though Richmond is the county seat (home to the county government and courthouse), it is not the largest city in Fort Bend (that title is held by Sugar Land).

Richmond was once known for its rural atmosphere and miles of undeveloped land with large oak and pecan trees, but this is slowly changing with the growth explosion in Sugar Land and Fort Bend County.

Richmond is situated next to Sugar Land, and likewise, has an affluent population in its eastern section that borders Sugar Land. Some specific, affluent subdivisions include Aliana, Old Orchard, Shiloh Lake Estates, Pecan Grove Plantation, Bridlewood Estates, and parts of Greatwood. This growth is a recent development and is basically due to Sugar Land running out of room to build new affluent communities, so the building is instead happening in Richmond (to the northwest) and Missouri City (to the east).

Richmond is also home to the exclusive Houstonian and Shadow Hawk Country Club and golf course, and George Ranch Historical Park.

Schools: Much of Richmond is in Lamar CISD. But some of the eastern portion is zoned to Fort Bend ISD (FBISD) and attends schools in neighboring Sugar Land.

Person A: Where do you live?
Person B: Richmond, TX. A suburb of Houston.
Person A: Where is that? Near Sugar Land?
Person B: Yes, right next to it.

by Texas Expert January 6, 2009

46๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Drag

The Drag is the name for a portion of Guadalupe Street in Austin, TX that runs along the western edge of the University of Texas campus.

The Drag started as a strip of shops which provided retail and eateries to the university students.

More recently, the once unique and vibrant area has fallen into some disrepair, and some feel the area has become undesirable because of the presence of panhandlers and homeless (sometimes referred to as "Dragworms").

The Drag divides the University of Texas campus from an area called West Campus, where many students live in apartments, fraternity/sorority homes, and other housing.

Person A: I need to head over to campus for a class.

Person B: Are you going to take the bus or walk down The Drag?

by Texas Expert January 14, 2009

97๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž