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Overamping on too much methamphetamines causing extreme paranoia.

People starting to see shadow people waving at them on the side of the road and/or having to rescue your friend from staring out of the window blinds for hours at nothing.

This is classic definition of


by TexasTrouble5 March 21, 2021

Broken stretcher

Broken stretcher is when an emergency room nurse or doctor pisses off a paramedic and a radio call for "broken stretcher" is made. Then every ambulance in radio distance picks up as many frequent patients as possible and overload the ER until an apology is made. The wrong has to be made right.

Paramedic1: damn partner that RN called a complaint on me.

Paramedic 2: looks like it's time for a broken stretcher on that ER.

by TexasTrouble5 March 21, 2021


When a gay female has long thick fingers. When she is able to do a Pap smear with zero extra equipment.

My chick went back to her ex gf . I heard she was LGBTQ ENDOWED.

by TexasTrouble5 June 6, 2023


A person who copies another’s behavior , dress, or ideas.

Denoting an action, typically a crime, carried out in imitation of another.

Carley’s friend bought the same exact outfit, “What a DRIPPYKAT.”

by TexasTrouble5 January 7, 2023


Is a female who tends to act in a manner where she is known to be a whore,slut and thusly doing whore slut activities. Stealing men and lacking basic morals these Slovaedons have zero fucks to give and are always found near gas station gambling machines.

I see you Priscilla, under the overpass getting gang banged by some tweakers! You Slovaedon.

by TexasTrouble5 June 16, 2021


Truoche' is the combination of "True that" and "touche' " . It is the Agreement of a fact with the respect of using said fact. I see what you did there and agree respectfully 💯.

Employer: you sure have missed work lately.

Employee: no sir I haven't missed it at all.
Employer: Truoche'

by TexasTrouble5 July 1, 2021