Source Code

sucks bagels

It's a synonmyn of sucks balls

Dude 1:"The concert is sold out."
Dude 2: "That sucks bagels

by Texasfreak May 18, 2009

1👍 1👎


It's when to black guys say what's up? Like if a white guy said to another white guy. "Hey Cracka, What's crackin'?"

Black guy 1: "Hey Nigga what's niggin'?"
Black guy 2: " Nothin just listenin to Lil Weezy."

by Texasfreak May 18, 2009

7👍 33👎

Cashcab learning

The stuff they make you learn in school that won't help you in the real world anyway.

Stuff you wouldn't need to know unless you were on Cashcab. Cashcab learning.

by Texasfreak March 27, 2009