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Texas: Texas is better known as the Aids capitol of the United States. A recent 2005 survey of homosexuals residing in Austin ( 98.9 percent of males ) admitted to having AIDS or really really wanting to get it from rough anal sex.
Texas is also home to one of the largest populations of child molesters and pedophiles in the entire world. The 200 census estimated that out of every 100 people in the state of Texas, there were 73 pedophiles or child molesters.

Another fun fact about Texas is that KY brand personal lubricant was invented there. In 1984 Nolan Ryan after sodomizing and performing anal intercourse on his goat grew tired of it always being so uncomfortable, so he spit into an old toothpaste tube and it evolved from there.

texas is also a place where the people think 50 degrees is cold, county roads are black top, Galveston is a good place to visit, and "Big Tex" is straight. All of these are common misconseptions.

Hey let's go to Texas today. I really wanna make love to a baby while kissing my uncle who is milking his goat William.

Remember that time I got butt raped by the mayor of Dallas Texas? How is that an appropriate punishment for a speeding ticket?

Wow! The whole state of Texas is like one big abortion.

Howcome Wichita Falls Texas is so dirty and gross? Oh wait it is in Texas.

Let's go to Lubbock Texas and watch that caped and masked child rapist ride his horse. Oh better yet, let's go to college station and watch those ass hole that couldn't get into West Point march around before they molest that dog of theirs.

Child: Mom, how come so many people in Texas have AIDS?
Mother: Sweetie, God hates them, and remember, they are not people in God's eyes.

Wow, I'm so glad I live in Oklahoma. If I'd stayed in Texas one second longer I am certain I would have been molested and would also have contracted AIDS.

by Texasisgay February 10, 2008

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