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Minimum effort person

His lack of effort and ambition is clear; his status as a MEP is evident by his disregard for self and others.

by Tezak Gemarxal March 15, 2015

5👍 3👎


Minimum Effort Person

He always lived a life of luxury and leisure ... never being bothered by time, projects or tasks. He was a "minimum effort person" and he was very comfortable with that earned attribute. "Once a MEP," he said, "You are always trying to find less responsibility to entangle, ensnare, and enslave.."

by Tezak Gemarxal March 15, 2015


Every Fucking Day

She was so obsessed with punctuality and work; EFD the same thing again and again. She's so good, it was nearly nauseating. Made me feel inadequate, anyway.

by Tezak Gemarxal July 22, 2015

10👍 4👎


The "redefinition" of what some people view as "holidays" as being null and void. This is one way to defeat the excesses of the so-called Holiday Season. Note: Nolidays are the "non-holiday" days in the series of holidays of the fall season heading toward winter. Nulidays are the invalidation of many of the "traditional" holidays to the point of summing sameness as all others.

We only celebrate Festivus, the rest are nothing but Nulidays, null and void, arbitrary and irrelevant mostly.

by Tezak Gemarxal October 30, 2020


A break in one's regular schedule (e.g., period between academic semesters or when between jobs) that essentially constitutes a form of temporary vacation.

It was wonderful to have time off after then end of the semester - this breakation is exactly what I needed!

by Tezak Gemarxal January 25, 2015


All systems go

Just before we departed on the long road trip, I asked the driver, "ASG?" The response was a simple declarative response: "All Systems Go."

by Tezak Gemarxal March 26, 2015

6👍 3👎


Womyah: a descriptive term for the celebration of women, feminity, or female activities or accomplishments. A shriek or utterance of joy, appreciation or celebration..

THe results of the march was womyah. The celebrants/participants proudly shouted "womyah" as they marched in solidarity.

by Tezak Gemarxal February 8, 2017