Shaking My Head + Face-Palm. An acronym that's reserved for things seen on the internet that are of the utmost stupidity/ignorance.
When you're in a room with two or more dudes for an extended period of time and not a single female is present. This is a "Hot Dogs No Buns" situation.
The senior class was throwing a party at school for Halloween. I said oh that's cool, why not drop by the party later tonight and get jiggy with the senior chicks! I get there and I see a group of guys doing the jerk and every one else was just standing in a corner... Some of them were even doing homework at the snack table. And there wasn't a damn female in sight. The girls that did show up to the party had left earlier because they were the only 2 girls in the spot, with nearly 30 guys including the science teacher. It was totally HOT DOGS NO BUNS.
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A ghetto abbreviation of "You is", which is the ghetto way of saying "You are".
You's a bitch!
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Verbing someone or just verbing PERIOD, is when you talk reckless about somebody or just straight up diss that person! Its basically the same thing as violating someone except verbing is STRICTLY verbal, never physical. Comes from the term verbal abuse.
-I'll drop anybody that verb my momma!
-Why you gotta verb me like that??
-N*ggas always verbin', but never bout that action..
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This is the action of cleaning yourself up, plain and simple. You're just getting off from a long day of work, or a really hard session at the gym, and you are currently not in your best form as far as appearances go. You desperately need to turn your swag back on, but before you can even do that...
You need to swagg up. Get in the tub, make sure you scrub deep and keep that shower nice and swaggy. Remember, no matter what type of swag you may have, cleaning up nicely is the basis to all things swagger!
To show off. Behaving in a way that draws attention to yourself, or to make yourself look good in order to boost your ego.
Look at that guy flashing off his new overpriced Red Monkey jeans. He even kept the price tag on his pants. What a dick!
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This is like saying fuck you to someone, or like telling them that you dont fuck with them anymore (you dont associate with them).
This phrase is best said when somebody is trying to explain themselves to you for doing something foul, but you literally cut them off in the middle of it by saying this.
You went and got her a big elephant even though I WAS THE ONE who found out she loves elephants and I was gonna buy her a small one for her birthday?? Thats foul, man... YOURE CUT OFF!!!
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