Wannabe - Wanting to be someone or something you are not. This term is typically used by someone who APPARENTLY has no ability for self reflection and aims to bully. People who use this term might be classified as a hater. Comments like this may be coming from an individual who is in a dark and sad place. You have 3 basic options for these types of people. 1) Good: Uplift them. You might not know how, but you will try. You may win or you could lose. But in the end you choose love.
2) Neutral: You will learn to avoid such people, as they are probably not worth your time. But in the end you may sometimes feel stuck, "Should have I done more"/"Does it even matter at all" play in your mind.
3) Bad: Join them. You will be like they are. You will spread pain like they do. But in the end you might feel the need to fight for redemption.
If being inspired make you a wannabe ... I guess we are all wannabes.