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Someone who wont date shane

"Why won't snubclover date Shane?"
"No fucking clue man."

by That Bald Kid April 1, 2021


HSCS stands for "High School Clean Slate" which means to leave, or not get involved in a relationship as you are entering highschool because you could meet new people, move away, etc.

guy 1: "That chick's into you bro"
guy 2: "Nah man, I'm gonna stay hscs"

by That Bald Kid April 5, 2021


Something said by someone who "doesn't give a 2 shit flying fuck"

"Wanna hang out?"
"Go away, idgatsff"

by That Bald Kid April 1, 2021

Reverse Nacho Supreme

Something you must ask CmanBrine to know about.

"Dam bro I'm boutta ask cman what a reverse nacho supreme is"

by That Bald Kid March 31, 2021