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sofa king gay

prounounced so fucking gay
say this about/to
1. school
2. homework
3. teachers
5. or people you don't like

Teacher: Class,why don't you guy's like me
Class all together: Because your SOFA KING GAY

by That Boy March 11, 2006

14👍 25👎


An awkward individual that has the charisma of 1000 men. Usually arrogant but knows her own fault. Best person to be around with is a Juanine as she is able to make you laugh just by looking at you also is very sarcastic!

Person: look at that girl over there! I bet she is amazing!

Person2: that is Juanine! Awkward girl that is but extremely funny. Also extremely sarcastic so be on your toes around her

by That Boy November 10, 2013

2👍 1👎