Another Right Winged attempt to drive fear in the stock market after The Fiscal Cliff Fear failed.
After 2 months of uninterrupted stock market bliss, The Lawful Evil Right Wingers are going to do their best to strike fear in the American People by getting on TV and pushing The Sequestration.
18👍 36👎
The act of going out by one's self. No witness. The best nights are often when one goes out Han, because you are Solo.
You met that girl at 1Oak last night? She is still wearing your shirt! Wait, how did you get in? Ah..easier to get in going Han Solo!
24👍 2👎
Screwing people over using the rules for personal gain.
The GOP trying to get the market to collapse is Lawful Evil, as is a politician who ruins people's lives to promote their agenda.
23👍 10👎