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Pokémon Addict

One who is addict to playing pokémon go. It takes over daily life. Skipping out on work duties, randomly walks away in search of pokémon. Consistently looking for a battery pack, consistently staring down at his or her phone. Similar to a historic candy crush addict !

Person 1:Where Raffy?
Person 2:He just randomly walked off in the middle of our conversation in search of pokémon. He was screaming Pikachu!
Person 1: He's a fucking pokémon addict!

by That Raffy Taffy July 15, 2016

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Someone who dress well and expensive, but it’s a Façade. Looks fancy until you take a closer to find someone who just got lucky with a wardrobe selection.

Person 1: Calm down Mr. Fancy pants! Don’t let my dog at your shoes he’ll mess them up
Person 2: relax I’m phofancy

by That Raffy Taffy May 21, 2022

booze jacket

When you have enough drinks in you that you don’t have to put a jacket on when it’s balls cold outside.

Person 1: Bro Marek where’s you jackets? It’s like negative -6 degrees out!
Person 2: Broham it’s all good I have a booze jacket on! It’s toasty

by That Raffy Taffy December 26, 2017

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Alligator tail

Similar to a rat tail haircut, but a alligator tails consist of the hair right above the butt. Originating from the area around New Orleans in the bayou.

Person1: You see that tour guides Phil's alligator tail.
Person2: You could barid that ass hair.

Person 1: You know that's new and sexy in the earth.

by That Raffy Taffy February 28, 2015

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lying hole

Consistent fibberary, trying to explain oneself with lies, repeat lies building upon lies to try to cover up other lies. Refers to mouth

Person 1: Shut your lying hole. It's just disgussing that you have to lie and bullshit me.

by That Raffy Taffy January 26, 2015

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Thin shaved strip of hair just above the hairline to keep track of when to return for a touch up haircut. A new way for barbers and hairdressers to create demand for haircuts. Hair economics! Supply and Demand! They call it cleaning up the reseeding hairline. I call it fuzz patch that needs trimming!

Customer: Hey Nunu what’s this thing your shaving into my hairline.

Barber: Oh nothing it’s just a new style
Customer: Looks like some kind of meter, like a haircut-meter!

Barber: Nope! Shut up you look nice!

by That Raffy Taffy May 31, 2019

Q Pop

It’s a word or response by text message meant to confuse or throw off the reader! Much like K Pop but not referring to music.

Q pop is also the iPhone dictionary’s autocorrect for LMAO! Will definitely confuse the reader! Traditionally happens when you don’t lock your screen and are walking the dog and your phone is texting in your pocket!

Sandy - Can’t wait to hear your story! -

Raffy - it’s a long story better to tell it in person Q pop
Sandy - What does Q pop mean, you mean K Pop like Korean Pop music?
Raffy - No I pocket texted while walking the dog?

by That Raffy Taffy August 4, 2022