Source Code


a virtual letter that could be used as a virus.

Always scan your e-mails for viruses.

by That guy August 4, 2003

84πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


The Biozeminades was a enemy in HL2 that was cut after the hack. The Biozeminades had the power to make itself look good and you had to kill it with spray paint.

T3h Biozeminades W4s 7h3 r0xR!!!!!11!

by That guy January 11, 2005

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

bling bling

n. synonym for expensive, often flashy jewelry sported mostly by African American hip-hop artists and middle class Caucasian adolescents.

v. to "bling-bling;" the act of sporting jewelry of a highly extravagant gaudy nature.

n. "Man, I gots tha bling-bling, yo."

v. "Damn Johnny, you sure be bling-blinging it tonight!"

by That guy April 17, 2003

979πŸ‘ 498πŸ‘Ž

turtle head

a shit that knocks at your underpants.

i was pulled over for speeding and tried to explain that there was a turtle head bashing my underpants but the officer still booked me.

by That guy August 30, 2003

187πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž


Some guy who gew pea plants. Tried to get them to grow extra large through genetics so he could hide the grape vines he was growing behind them. Really true.

Mendel really liked wine.

by That guy November 16, 2003

27πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A Man orgy in which homoerotic novels and RTD beverages are provided, and *nsync is listened to.

I'm totally going to have myself a huge sphyre tonight. You're all invited.

by That guy June 11, 2003

13πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Clagnars Human Rinds

A tasty snack based product made from meat by-products (Human skin) for aliens. Similar to pork scratchings.

Appears on Futurama in the form of an advertisement in the opening credits of the episode "I Second That Emotion"

Clagnar's human rinds! It's a buncha muncha cruncha human!

by That guy October 19, 2004

30πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž