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My definition: someone who thinks they are so unique and special because they like things the think are " underground"" and that no body knows about" but the things they like are pretty common and pretty main stream for example.. they think they are so unique and special because they watch Anime or any tv show or band that they think is deemed "underground" when in reality everyone loves those things not just them! And they feel offended when someone shares a Interest in that thing then the start gatekeeping and act like they were the only ones who should know those things and nobody else should know.

"Special snowflake" omg I'm so quirky for liking the 80s lol this generation sucks I'm so much more Better than this generation for liking the 80s!

lol you do know a lot of people like the 80s right?

"Special snowflake" no most people don't like the 80s the way that I do,Most people just jump on the band wagon,bet they don't know what the move Robo Cop is!

yeah I'm pretty sure a lot of 80s fans know who robo cop is,what a fucking "special snow flake."

by That pat turtle. March 12, 2021