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SAF is short for Self Affirmative Fan

For whatever reason, this person feels that they are lesser, or below other fans (most often for the reason that they'd recently starting listening to the artist and or band.) So in an attempt to prove themselves as "real fans" they spend a majority of their time talking about the band/artist, making references to them, reading about them, etc...

Although SAFs have good intentions of only wanting to be considered "one of the group", their actions are often misinterpreted as a way to "show up" other fans and make them look unintelligent and uninformed about the subject band/artist.

Betty (SAF)- Did you know that insert band name here is going to be on TV tonight?

Charlie- Yeah...

Betty- Oh. Well did you know they're going to be singing insert song name here? I read about it on their website last night, along with a few articles about them.

Charlie- You know, you don't have to be such a SAF.

by That very last leaf today January 21, 2011

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