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Someone who does something absolutely insane and is nonchalant about it.

Person 1: Did you see that kid on the news?
Person 2: Yeah! He drank 10 cups of goon, fought a crocodile, won, had a floppy arm and got the girl he wanted to impress!
Person 1: All to prove a point! What a savage!

by That.handle.is.already.in.use March 7, 2018


I don't know what it means in this context, can anyone help me out?

For each model, circulation patterns congruent with
the trend in the EOF time series are obtained by firstly
regressing grid-point anomalies onto a detrended version of
the IOD index and then multiplying regression coefficients
with the total index trend since 1950.

by That.handle.is.already.in.use January 29, 2020