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Creepy and desperate for sex.

Originally used to describe a specific creeper who asked a girl if she wanted a quickie, but once she threw him the side eye, he quickly retracted and said "Cookie"

Mark: Do you want a quickie?
Samantha: WHAT!?
Marl: Cookie, I said do you want a cookie?

Mark is an example of a cookie. Desperate and creepy.

by ThatBITCH January 2, 2014

2👍 9👎


Usually a girl that isn't very attractive, but thinks she is. She has a huge ego. She tends to think everyone is jealous of her, but in reality, everyone hates her. She starts a lot of drama. She thinks she's cool because she cusses people out on facebook. Lets just say Ashley is a bitch. Ashleys also tend to be extremely fake. She is also a fugly whore.

"Ashley is such a bitch!"
"I seriously fucking hate Ashley"
"So immature"

by ThatBITCH August 10, 2012

14👍 31👎