Halo 4 is the fourth installment in the halo gaming franchise. This game is played all around has thousands to millions of players. This game is part of the master chief collection and you play as master chief the whole time. The game is based on the death of cortana, master chiefs companion. At the end cortana and master chief are talking and cortana tells him she's going, in which she does and master chief was not a happy soldier. In the game cortana is instructing master chief how to get to places, what to do, what to kill, and she is helping master chief to kill the didact who at the end gets hit by a grenade and falls off a hard light bridge, no one knows if he did die or will be in the upcoming Halo 5. Multiplayer is based on red vs blue just like all other halos. The multiplayer has most weapons that you use in the campaign suck as the main and most known weapon, the assualt rifle. Halo 4 is also based on the return of master chief. Halo 4 is amazing and well known to most people and is a must have game.
Dude guess what, I got halo 4 it is amazing the campaign is cool and online is awesome, you should come play with me, you would love it
6👍 4👎