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8th grade

Eighth grade is a living hell for any of it’s participants. Funny enough, if you ask the ninth graders, they’ll say it was a walk in the park. The eighth grade right now is graduating in 2024, so they are one year behind the 2023 thot freshman. That doesn’t mean they’re any less thoty tho, there just thots in training. There’s obviously a clique problem, and everyone’s mean to each other. All the girls have started their periods, which means there’s a lot of crying in the bathroom. Everyday there’s more drama, and the raging hormones from puberty do NOT help. The kids think they are “all that” even though they all wear the same champion shirt and Air Force 1s. Survival tips: play along. It sucks, but it sucks more to be defiant because all the snappy teenage girls will cry and tel the guidance councilor on you. Don’t worry though, 2024. We’re just about half way there. It’ll be over soon enough.

“Ashley looks tired”

“Of course she’s tired, she’s in the 8th grade!!”

by The 0verseer December 17, 2019

24👍 4👎


Hi. Welcome to Urban dictionary. This is a website for slang terms and fun words. Why you gotta post about gross stuff? Nooooooo. Ew. Stop

Well anyway hi. This is the definition of the word me. Everyone’s “me” is different, so we better get started.

My “me” is a sad little girl with few friends and many problems. Everybody’s “me” has the correct beliefs and standpoints. Because I think my beliefs are correct. And so do you. So your “me” is correct.

All “me’s” have a brain, but most don’t use it. But every “me” is smart because most people thing they are smart. Their “me” is smart.

“Me’s” are always oblivious to something and has something they don’t realize. Every me is on it’s own adventure with its own story line.

Lastly, every me has a purpose. Every me has a story to tell and the world to hear. Share your story so it is no longer just “me”

Person 1: ur stupid. you should just kill yourself

Person 2: no I shouldn’t. Because I am me. And that’s enough. I have my story and I have my life. The fact that I was born shows I deserve to be here. Why go through the pain of bringing me here if I’m just going to leave?

Person 1: bro your too smart. Idk, gotta go. I didn’t understand that at all but, idk maybe you shouldn’t die

by The 0verseer December 18, 2019

4👍 2👎


Everest is a kind and loving girl who makes the best friend when you get to know her. She’s a little bit weird, but extremely funny and outgoing. An Everest can get you belly laughing at anytime. She’s the type of girl who’s friends with everyone, but doesn’t really have a best friend because she always ends up in some shit. If you meet an Everest, hold onto her tight because you might learn more about yourself and ultimately become a better person because of it. She is also pretty in a subtle way, so people don’t really think of her as pretty. She’s also REALLY talented. Like Really. She probably holds back around large groups of people or acts like she sucks, but she’s amazing. Whatever it is she’s talented at, she’s incredible. She’s not popular, but underneath the surface, there’s a smart, witty, and talented girl who can do just about anything she puts her mind to. She’s most likely single, and can get clingy, but overall makes a good girlfriend. She has layers, but isn’t just the “I’m not like the other girls” girl. No. She desperately tries to fit in, but doesn’t really succeed. She’s different. She can bring a whole new element into your life. It makes life more interesting to have an Everest.

Person 1: ew, that girls so weird. She’s always into drama.

Person 2: come on, I feel bad for that girl. I hear She’s always getting into crap that’s not her fault.

Person 2: Yeah it sounds like she’s an Everest.

Person 1: Did you see her at the concert? I’m shook!She’s so good! I mean she’s a weirdo, but wow.

Person 2: and she’s kind of pretty. Im gonna ask her out!

Person 1: don’t. She’s an Everest. She’ll get clingy and be all weird.

by The 0verseer December 17, 2019

29👍 5👎