(noun) Someone who mongles the cock
(noun) a word used to insult or hurt a person.
You're such a cockmongle!
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(verb) the act of an EPIC fail or the act of committing celebration.
If said once daily, superstitious believers think that it brings amazing luck to you and all that you love.
-"Let's commit celebration!"
(*committing celebration fails*)
-"That was phailboat"
1) (verb) When you order a Big at McDonald's but it gets fucked up and you get a "Buttmak"
2) (noun) The sandwich that is given to you when McDonald's fucks up your order
3) (verb) the act of a McDonald's worker taking a dump on your Big Mac.
Tyler Manseau just got buttmak'd.
(noun) An idiot who has not seen the truth of enlightenment and chooses to be a moron.
(noun) Ayden
(1) Did you see Ayden the other day?
(2) I don't associate myself with such queefleers.
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