A hillarious radio show that broadcasts out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. It is hosted by Gregg "Free Beer" Daniels, Chris "Hot Wings" Michels, Eric (Zeitunian) Zane, and Joe "Producer Joe" Gassmann, Jr. It's the BEST radio show ever and WAY better than those Bob and Tom idiots. www.freebeerandhotwings.com Please Listen!!!
I was listening to The Free Beer and Hot Wings Show this morning and laughed so hard I burst a kidney.
72👍 9👎
Original lead vocalist of AC/DC. Also the king of all badasses.
Wow! You're almost as badass as Dave Evans!
7👍 14👎
Original bassist of The Beatles.
Guy 1: Do you know who Stu Sutcliffe is?
Everyone: No.
16👍 2👎