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The Springfield that Zach G. describes is the one I'm from. I agree that it's a pretty good place. Not too far away from NYC, okay schools, good history, and a very good diversity of people including groups such as blacks, jews, Puerto Ricans, Costa Ricans,Italians, Mulattoes, Colombians, Jamaicans,Chileans, Russians, and yes, even Albanians. The main thing i fell wrong with it is that too many people try to think they're ghetto. Folks, if you're living in any place called Springfield, I feel that you're automatically disqualified for being ghetto. You can be cool and be in Springfield but you're in no conceivable way ghetto completely as long as Springfield remains suburban. other then this gripe, it's all cool.

Springfield is the next best place next to true NYC due to proximity and atttitude.

by The Almight Lizard King November 6, 2004

15👍 26👎

The Lizard King

The alterego taken up by Jim Morrison, one of the greatest poets and singers to ever live.

Try to set the night on fire, try to set the night on fire, TRY TO SET THE NIGHT ON FIREEEE!Yeah
-The Doors, "Light My Fire"

by The Almight Lizard King November 6, 2004

53👍 94👎

Jimi Hendrix

One of the greatest guitarists of our time and as aptly pointed out by Brittany R. the man who helped free the slaves.

History Channel Voiceover: The year was 1864. The Union trooops had almost defeated the Confederates in their battle to free the slaves. The absolute final turning point was when a black man dressed in phychedelic clothing and somehow having an electric guitar did something amazing.

Jimi:(Singing and playing his wicked licks)Purple haze all in my brain. Living things just don't seem the same. Acting funny but I don't know why. Scuse me while I kiss the sky.

History Channel Dude: Thanks to the amazing rendition of this and other now classic Hendrix tunes, the slaveowners were so distracted in amazement that they didn't bother watching all of their slaves escaping toward the North. Thanks to this, Jimi became known the world over as the man who helped free the slaves and whose clone played the same great music in the 60's. We thank you Jimi. Rock on, dude.

by The Almight Lizard King November 7, 2004

62👍 26👎


What happens when you don't spell check almighty.

Only a retard would misspell almighty. Wait a minute. *looks down* Aw goddamnit.

by The Almight Lizard King November 6, 2004

15👍 51👎