Ape can be used as a general pronoun and generic verb, adverb, and any other part of speech. Monkey-like chimp-like mammal thriving on feces fights.
synonyms: (v) murder, prance about wildly, making general "ooks" and "eeks". (adj.) brown, smelly, great, amazing, glorious, bombastic, pompous, hilarious, massive, mischevious, murderous. (n.) monkey-like animals such as chimps, idiot, glorious human being, glorious feces-being, everything with the latin root "omnio". (adv.) brownly, smellily, greatly, amazingly, gloriously, bombasticly, pompously, hilariously, massively, mischeviously, murderously, badly. (intj.) You! Die! Stupid! Yes! No! Ihateyouyoushoulddie! Genius! Youfail!
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