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Ape can be used as a general pronoun and generic verb, adverb, and any other part of speech. Monkey-like chimp-like mammal thriving on feces fights.

synonyms: (v) murder, prance about wildly, making general "ooks" and "eeks". (adj.) brown, smelly, great, amazing, glorious, bombastic, pompous, hilarious, massive, mischevious, murderous. (n.) monkey-like animals such as chimps, idiot, glorious human being, glorious feces-being, everything with the latin root "omnio". (adv.) brownly, smellily, greatly, amazingly, gloriously, bombasticly, pompously, hilariously, massively, mischeviously, murderously, badly. (intj.) You! Die! Stupid! Yes! No! Ihateyouyoushoulddie! Genius! Youfail!

Apeish Apes aped Apeishly

by The Ape Herder October 25, 2004

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