noun A fascination with or an appreciation of sticks, twigs, wands, and similar pieces of wood, especially if they have unique or pleasing forms, textures, and/or colours. From the Greek root 'rhabdos/rhavdos' or 'rhabdi/rhavdi,' a stick, and '-philia,' denoting a fondness for or a love of.
Alternative spellings: ravdophilia, rhavdiphilia, ravdiphilia.
Combing through the accumulated driftwood on the beach, John's rhavdophilia was ignited by a contorted stick with a patterned and branched end that resembled the head and neck of a dragon.
Leminscatus (noun) The infinity (â) sign. Derived from the Latin 'lÄmniscÄtus,' meaning "decorated with ribbons", and which itself ioriginates from the Greek 'λημνίÏκοÏ' (lÄmnÃskos), meaning "ribbon."
The lemniscatus is a figure-eight curve that resembles a group of curves in algebraic geometry collectively called lemniscates. Jacob Bernoulli first used the term 'lemniscate' in the late 17th century, based on the same Latin and Greek roots. While a 'lemniscate' refers to any algebraically defined figure-eight curve, the lemniscatus specifically symbolises the concept of infinity.
Johann knew that his brother Jake was serious about studying philosophy at university when Jake came home one day sporting a new lemniscatus tattoo on his arm.
noun The act of reading on the toilet. From 'libro-' or 'liber,' the Latin meaning book, and '-latrinism' from "latrina," the Latin for toilet.
Librolatrinism is one of those guilty pleasures to which afficionados rarely admit, given the general public unacceptability of reading on the toilet.
(noun) An individual who has a fondness for the smell of old books. From the Greek roots 'á¼ÏÏαá¿Î¿Ï' (archaios), meaning 'ancient' or 'old;' 'βιβλίον' (biblion), meaning 'book;' 'á½Ïμή' (osme), meaning 'smell;' and '-philia,' a love of or a fondness for.
Diana was an enthusiastic archaiobibliosmiophile who loved nothing more than those first evocative moments in the morning when walking into the Bodleian Library, where the waft of ancient manuscripts ignited her anticipation of hours of reading pleasure.
(noun) An individual who revels in the joy of walking on grass barefoot. From the Greek roots 'Î¾Ï ÏÏληÏοÏ' (xipolitos), meaning 'barefoot;' 'γÏαÏίδι' (grasidi), meaning 'grass;' and '-philia,' a love of or a fondness for.
There is nothing more soothing for the xipolitosograsidiphile than to veer from the hard cobbles of a hot and dusty road, remove their boots, and cool the soles of their feet on the soft verdure of a grassy meadow.
noun Someone who reads on the toilet. From 'libro-' or 'liber,' the Latin meaning book, and '-latrinist' from "latrina," the Latin for toilet.
John was notorious amongst his family and friends for being a persistent librolatrinist, often engaging the toilet in his house for hours as he happily read, completely oblivious to the protestations of people queuing outside the door.
(noun) A fondness for the smell of old books. From the Greek roots 'á¼ÏÏαá¿Î¿Ï' (archaios), meaning 'ancient' or 'old;'
'βιβλίον' (biblion), meaning 'book;' 'á½Ïμή' (osme), meaning 'smell;' and '-philia,' a love of or a fondness for.
Diana loved nothing more than those first evocative moments in the morning when walking into the Bodleian Library, where the waft of ancient manuscripts ignited her archaiobibliosmiophilia and fueled her anticipation of hours of reading pleasure.