Source Code

man quake

That guy at the party who becomes so obnoxiously shit-faced that his actions cause the Richter scale to register outrageously-high levels

When Wills is in his party bus mode, more often that not he is also the man quake

by The Beav March 21, 2008

2👍 1👎

party bus

The first person at a party to get drunk, prompting all others to follow in due course

Wills is always the party bus at our social gatherings

by The Beav March 21, 2008

10👍 47👎

tasty testes

just a funny phrase to utter; comes from my roommate Kyle; we were talking about whether it was cooler to say "testes" or "testicles", and Kyle voted for testes because you can stick "tasty" in front of testes and it sounds really funny

Ooooh, tasty testes!!

by The Beav February 25, 2005

3👍 8👎