Source Code


Cargo vroom.

Car: *Broom*
Person: whoa!! cargo vroom!

by The Big Cheese. December 5, 2023

The food council

A group of select few big people from across the globe who represent different seats of the council. Once a month (unless there is an emergency that requires attention of the council) these foodies gather to discuss their discoveries on new foods, plans of when to eat food and to develop their secret technique of belly communication systems, or BCS for short. Applications to the council are few and far between and should be taken as an honour of those who are chosen to be apart of this elite food association.

Greg: Dude! did you hear that Joe was accepted into the food council!?!
Fred: Nah man! but good for him, I heard that they are quite the elite group!
Greg: Yeah! they only invite those who are worthy of their foodie title!

by The Big Cheese. December 4, 2023