A colassualt is any cola related assault. This can include a fight over a can of Coke or pepsi, to be attacked or hit with a can or bottle of cola or a confrontation that occurs because of a cola/caffeine induced rage.
'Did you just see that girl colassault that guy. She smashed in the head with a half full can of Coke!'
An acronym for Virtual Electronic Display Of Public Affection. (VEDOPA) Similar to PDA (Public Display of Affection) except expressed or posted on forums, websites or electronic devices.
Often used by (new) couples on sites like facebook to the annoyance and embarrassment of friends and family.
1. In response to a face book post-
Boy- I luv u sooo much my mushy bear boo! <3 :)
Girl - No, I LLUUUVVVV u more than the world poo-doggy. <3 <3 <3
Friend - "Enough with the vedopa you two, it's getting creepy
2. "If u post anymore vedopa I'm unfriending both of u!"
3. " Get a (chat)room, us singles don't want to see your vedopa all over the internet".
to have or display a Buddha like attitude or temperament. To remain calm and cool during a crisis or argument.
'Lucky you had that buddhatude or things with that punk could of got ugly.'
Addicted to all things Hip Hop.
So consumed by the need to partake in rhymes, rap and hiphop culture that it affects all aspects of your day to day life.
Joe was a chronic hiphopaholic.
Little-B was such a hiphopaholic that Dr Dre recommended a 12 step breakdance program.
little know 70's punk band who's only single 'Another piss on the wall' met with limited airplay on community radio.
'Are you going to the Punk Floyd show this Friday at the community hall?'
"No way, they suck!'
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the art of creating and developing new words from old.
By adding, changing or removing letters or by combining two or more completely random words blinguistics endeavors to develop and enrich the English language.
From Bling - add glamour, shine and zing and linguistics - the study of human language.
Snoop Dogg is a master of blinguistics.
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1. the small deformed claw a hand turns into after too much masturbation.
'Poor Paul his so lonely he's developed a wicked wankclaw'
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