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Someone who is more retarded.

I dislike certain bands based on drugs and not their music.

by The Boy October 6, 2004

89πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


an anal tube that sticks out

you know when you do a crap your butt cheeks spread out and that little tube comes out its when the tube is really long

by The Boy September 30, 2003

8πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Philadelphia is a city unlike any other. Ran by sports, completely unhealthy food, violence and beer this city is home to some of the best people you will ever find...if you are from here. Outsiders are never welcome and if you are a fan of any other football team besides the eagles, you will have a tough time simply walking down the street. The city pulls together hopes for every season and continually has their hearts shattered every year. People not from Philadelphia claim the inhabitants are the worst in the country, however if you are a local you would never want to live anywhere else. Home to friendships that you could never find in another part of the country, this city has a sense of pride to it that is unmatched anywhere. During the summer, a trip to the shore you are guaranteed to see at least 10 people from your neighborhood and there is no question you will be drunk for about 80% of the time you are there. Besides Canada, this may be the only other place that is hurting without hockey because it is often painful to watch the sixers and phillies play. Finally, PhiladelphiaҀ™s reputation of not being the city of brotherly love will be further reinforced after the unparalleled riots that will occur after the eagles win the super bowl.

ginley lives at pollock

by The Boy April 13, 2005

899πŸ‘ 349πŸ‘Ž


A combination of jackass and asshole, if short of time and in need of good pun use jackasshole as a time saver.

"Only 2 minutes until the bell!?" the school administrators are jackassholes!

by The Boy November 18, 2003

18πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


An occurence which is made possible through the actions of only one known sentient being; Mnai.

Known Phenomnai includes: getting famous world renowned sayings wrong, going to extreme measures to help someone who may or may not want/need Mnai's help, falsely introducing yourself as "Terry", placing Mnai's fingers on the counter of a retailer (usually a retailer of confectionary foodstuffs) when attempting to make an order, ordering things nobody else would order, performing the ass-dance, doing everything in Mnai's power to recover Mnai's hat once it has been forcefully removed form Mnai's head (this Phenomnai has seen a decline of occurrence in recent times), performing a metamorphosis into a being known as "Professional Mnai" in which Mnai is pleasant and displays traits associated with normal people, regurgitating vast amounts of bile, originating from the continent of Africa yet has no tolerance for heat at all, the tendency to perform a "Dip" or in extreme cases a "Spirit Dip" in the aforementioned hot situations, doing everything in Mnai's power to receive all cool air from any fans in the vicinity, the ability to sweat immensely even when receiving all the cool air from the aforementioned fans, the unwavering love for power ballads, uses a curious technique of Mnai's creation to header footballs, the ability to not understand or accept instructions, the tendency to befriend and proceed to abuse domestic animals, Mnai's ability to exploit bugs in video games for personal gain, the inability to enjoy video games without having cheats or setting the AI of the game to the easiest possible setting available, the overwhelming need to co-operate on video games, the ability to hype things up immensely even though Mnai is aware this will doom the thing Mnai is hyping, the tendency to get extremely excited about something only to be broken immediately after, the tendency to generally become broken often, the ability to perform the "Mnai Pass".

by The Boy May 24, 2004

9πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž