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Blessed Be

A Wiccan expression that carries the equivalent meaning to one of the following phrases: “Take care”, “God bless you” or “Good grief!”.

May also used in a similar context to “goodbye” and less commonly as “hello”.

Blessed be until we meet again.

by The Captive Spirit September 7, 2010

51👍 13👎

Yeah like that

A dismissive and sometimes insincere way of agreeing with someone when something they say either fails to interest you or makes you uncomfortable.

Helen: Haha I bet you and Steve went at it like a couple of love starved bunnies.

Jill: Yeah like that. Can we talk about something else please?

by The Captive Spirit August 25, 2010

3👍 2👎

Babe in A Bottle

Refers to perfume/deodorant that will apparently make someone irresistible to the opposite sex. Supposedly helps transform a woman into a babe, while helping the man attract one.

Ashley: Mmmm-mmmm! Babe in a bottle. Works like a charm. I’ll get lucky tonight for sure.

Cameron: Haha! In your dreams!

by The Captive Spirit September 12, 2010

4👍 17👎

In Your Dreams

A sarcastic way of responding to - or interrupting – someone who is busy telling you about their master plan and all the unrealistically fantastic things they think will happen to them. By using this expression you are suggesting the only place their desired outcome is likely to happen is in their dreams.

Daniels: One day I’ll be mayor of this city!

Smith: In your dreams! Who would vote for you?

by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010

26👍 5👎

Mother’s Milk

Something meaningful that is given to someone that then goes unappreciated or is taken for granted or something you give to someone while receiving nothing in return

Look I’m tired of giving you mother’s milk. Unless you want a failing grade on this book report I suggest you do it yourself. I’m done helping you.

by The Captive Spirit September 7, 2010

3👍 4👎

Quit Dreaming

Similar to the expression “in your dreams” which is a sarcastic way of responding to - or interrupting – someone who is busy telling you about their master plan and all the unrealistically fantastic things they think will happen to them. The difference is in this version you are making it clear they should get over themselves

Steve: I’m going to win this race and humiliate you in the process

Harry: Quit dreaming! That’ll never happen.

by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010

3👍 1👎

Constable Charming

An ill-mannered police officer who pulls you over for a minor citation, gives you a hard time over nothing, and acts like he’s above the law. Of course if there’s a real crime going on Constable Charming more than likely won’t notice even if you try pointing it out to him.

Ali: This annoying cop gave me a speeding ticket because I was driving too slow.

Victor: Ha! Constable Charming strikes again!

by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010

2👍 1👎